
laitbu, a term in Broken French meaning "milk drunk," serves as a heartfelt tribute to Sharon Leslie's deep affection for her New Orleans roots. Leslie, the founder and mastermind behind the internationally renowned luxury wellness brand, Glacce, has channeled her passions and expertise towards empowering other brands to realize their full potential.

As a polymath with a love for hospitality, spas, fashion, art, and all things health and wellness, Leslie's visionary pursuits led her to the creation of laitbu. Through this innovative venture, Leslie has cultivated a platform to expand her knowledge and expertise while providing valuable contributions to the industry.

Leslie's tireless efforts have been rewarded with access to worlds she once only dreamed of, a feat made possible by unwavering dedication to excellence in branding. As a devoted mother, Leslie's latest venture is a testament to her commitment to sharing her wealth of knowledge, inspiring others to elevate their brands.

In short, laitbu is not just another business venture for Leslie, but rather an embodiment of her unyielding passion for her craft and her beloved community.